
Spent Brewing Grains

Posted by Barley Beaver on

What To Do With Your Spent Brewing Grains Ah, the rich smell of grain as it’s being crushed and mixed in with hot water for the mash. It’s definitely one of the many joys of homebrewing that makes the seemingly tedious method of all-grain brewing so pleasant. Whether you love it or find the method all too complex, there’s no denying the fact that working with grains is one of the defining factors of brewing beer, regardless of brew size, beer style, and other factors. There’s definitely something primordial about it, the very process of crushing and mashing the grains...

Liquid VS Dry Yeast

Posted by Barley Beaver on

Liquid VS Dry Yeast

Liquid VS Dry Yeast: Pros and Cons Yeast – the magic ingredient that turns the mix of water, malt, and hops into our favourite beverage. Without yeast, there would be no beer, and any homebrewer knows how important it is to keep the yeast happy if you want to end up with something enjoyable. After all, yeast is a living organism that requires a certain set of conditions to work properly, and even professional brewers jokingly confess that the essence of their job is to create such conditions, acting more as a steward for the little guys. When it comes...

Tips on Brewing NEIPAs

Posted by Barley Beaver on

Embrace the Haze: Tips on Brewing NEIPAs In the world of craft beer it’s rather uncommon to have a particular beer style to be divisive and polarizing. There are numerous generally accepted styles, countless takes and variations of them, with thousands upon thousands of beers enjoyed by people, who generally consent on the principle “to each their own”. Whether you’re a fan of Belgian Golden Ales, hop-driven IPAs, roasted Stouts, or complex Lambics, you will always find a beer to like and people who will either share your love for that beer or say it’s not their cup of tea...

Stout or Porter?

Posted by Barley Beaver on

What's in a name: Stout or Porter? When it comes to the dark side of the ale spectrum, there’s always a debate as to how to label the resulting beer in terms of beer style. On the one hand, there’s the dark brown to black Porter, and on the other the dark brown to black Stout. But don’t you even think of using those definitions interchangeably! Even if it’s the same thing. The story with stouts and porters is a long and complicated, but nonetheless one that needs to be known in order to have a better perspective when debating...

Nomad Brewer Interview - Part 2

Posted by Barley Beaver on

Nomad Brewer Interview - Part 2

(The image on this page is from a recent well attended tasting event held in Moldavia. Our 'Nomad Brewer' was present to offer samples of his own brews) 4 - Is homebrewing a big hobby in Eastern Europe, and if so how would you say product and ingredient availability and price compares to Canada? Homebrewing is becoming quite popular in the region, for sure, though the rate of catching on differs a lot from country to country. For example, Bulgaria has an official homebrewing association with yearly contests and a lot of members. Romania, just across the border and with...
