Pellet Hops (1lb)

Pellet Hops (1lb)

Hops are the flowers derived from the climbing plant known as Humulus lupulus. These flowers play a crucial role in beer production, contributing distinct flavors such as bitterness, citrusy notes, earthiness, and zestfulness. In addition to their flavoring attributes, hops possess antibacterial properties, safeguarding the beer from the proliferation of unwanted microorganisms. Notably, the beer production process exclusively utilizes female hops, with any male plants carefully removed from the fields to prevent pollination.

Different varieties of hops are grown all over the world, but they prefer to grow in temperate regions, particularly those that are located near the 48th parallel north. Moreover, they also prefer to grow in soils that are abundant with boron. It is for this is reason that production centers located in only a few countries.

Hops are very important ingredients in making beer and knowing where they came from is crucial in predicting the flavor of the finished product.

Note: All YCH Hops are nitrogen-flushed.